Monday, June 10, 2013

What's Your Top 5 List?

      One of the first things I wanted to get posted is the "top 5 list", or the short list of things that we do NOT run without!  Everyone has personal preferences, and I am certain our tastes in some things might change, but for now, this is a short, easy list with reasons, links and pictures (oh my!) for everything.  I asked "the hare" too, so you get double the lists!  Let me know if you have a "must have" too, I can add/ amend things in if needed!

"The Tortoise's" Top 5

      I am the injury prone runner (long term joint issues can sometimes prove bothersome and a challenge for me) of the two of us, so that may help explain a couple of my choices, but they are excellent picks for anyone starting out!

1. Mizuno Wave Rider 16 --  These shoes are not for everyone ( they are fairly narrow across the top, and the toe box is more slender than most women's running shoes) but for folk with narrow feet and a neutral pronation, these are a great shoe to think about (but go try them on in person, always!).  The site has a wide array of color combos, but I actually have grown to love my "baby princess" shoes.  

*Image courtesy of Footlocker*

      Fairly light, breathable (which is LOVELY in the summer scorchers we get here, complete with 99% humidity on a *good* day!) and not too pricey as far as running shoes go.  These have kept my stride in line, kept me from feeling pounding in my joints from running on asphalt, and have lasted really well (they have more than 225 miles on them now, still going strong and still looking good!).

     Shoes are the most important purchase you will make anyway (says every.Single. Solitary. running blog, magazine or store) so find some that you really feel work for YOU.

2. Addaday Type A roller-- I know, I know, this one I don't technically run with, but if I had not found this device recently (I know they are available online, we got ours at Fleet Feet)  I may have been sidelined for a while with a tendon problem! 

       It isn't a foam roller that you have to lie on top of to use, you roll it across your muscles (works well on backs and sore spots anywhere!  Even folks with foot pain and plantar issues) and it finds sore spots and knots that we weren't even finding using our hands to work out soreness!  I have (apparently) tight tendons going from my ankles to my knees, and I was limping home some days, and blamed my shoes.  Turned out it was just tightness and buildup.  I used it twice, and ran the next was magical!  I try to roll out after each run for a few minutes now, and it feels better instantly.  This one is great for anyone who's active in any capacity, especially for faster/ more complete recovery.

3. Neutrogena SPF 100 sunscreen --  This one is kind of a given, but I am very sensitive to the sun (thanks genetics!) and I burn quickly and painfully.  This stuff doesn't get in your eyes (they have a "beach" version too that is more water resistant) and is broad spectrum, and it doesn't smell like typical sunscreen (it bugs me, I know that's weird!).  You can find it literally any place that you can find sunscreen, usually in a 2 pack for about 12 dollars.  If you don't need that much coverage (as the Hare doesn't), he swears by good old Coppertone Sport spf 50.

4. Frog Togg Chilly Pad--  This is a specialty "fabric" sheet that when wet actually cools off (there are lots of tech shirts/ shorts out there now made of this...for a zillion dollars a piece!) and is a good "face mopping" towel too! 

      We split ours in half (2 for the price of one!) and keep it damp in the fridge so it's niiiiccce and cold when we head out. If it gets warm en route, just wet it, wring it out, and it's cool again.  I am told they work a little better in places with lower humidity, but I am honest when I say it has kept me cool enough to not pass out once or twice (P.S., don't run at noon in late May either, and that won't happen!)

5. "Pearls" hot/ cold pack-- Here's another "I don't run with it, but I won't run without it" piece.  There are several brands of these, but they are the same premise-- a cold pack that acts just like a bag of frozen peas!

*Image courtesy Therapearl*

       Some are hot/ cold (mine is), but I just leave it in the freezer, and if I have an ache or spot that has been bothersome (I sprained my calf just a week ago, mildly) you throw a towel on it and ice away!  Some even have straps and are made for specific parts of the leg/ arm, but the general ones are fine for me.  It's good to have, because at some point, even if you do everything perfectly, you will need R.I.C.E (rest, ice, compression elevation) therapy, and this is ready to go any time I need it ( and I'm not wasting peas!)

"The Hare's" Top 5

      He is more naturally athletic (long legs and all), but he does overpronate and has old ankle injuries that were a concern.  Here's his list, and his commentary (paraphrased a bit).

1. Nike Lunar Eclipse 2-- These shoes contain a network of "bungee cord like" bands that support as you run, and they have a higher side and back, which is great for people who are nervous about ankle injury/ rolling their ankles. 

*Image courtesy Nike*

 The shoes aren't too bright, but are flashy enough to be seen on the road in the evenings. Unfortunately, these aren't in too many stores (they were huge last year I think) but you can find them on Amazon and the like-- but beware, they run SMALL-- he ended up 2 sizes larger than he usually wears.

2. Balega Hidden Comfort socks-- We both use these, and love them!  There are several different weights, but they all have a "tab" in the back that keeps your shoe from rubbing on your achilles/ back of your heel, so they are wonderful walking/ running socks.

*Image courtesy of Balega*

      They have a support band in the middle to keep your arches in line, and of course they are sweat wicking material to keep blisters at bay!  Plus, since we both have the same brand, I got fun colors, and he got "normal ones" so we won't mix up our socks.

3.  Hydration pack--  This is totally necessary for running in the South in the heat (if not a pack, at LEAST some kind of hydration belt with more than one bottle's worth of water).  Most articles say "make sure to rehydrate" but here it is LAW-- we all know how hot it gets, and having a little surplus water is amazing.

*Image courtesy of Amazon*

  He likes this system too because there are usually small pockets on the sides for keys, phone, gels, or whatever else you need to have on you.  There are 8,000 brands of these, just shop around and find one that works for you.  (We picked ours up at Sam's Club-- just keep an eye out and you can get a great deal!)

4. Compression shirts--  This is another personal preference, but he absolutely prefers a compression type shirt when out running (sweat wicking, but a tighter fit).  We have found great deals on them at Target, and ordering online is great if you pick up a certain dollar amount (free shipping!).  He tells me that it doesn't feel like the shirts rub against him (chafing is a real issue, and not fun!) and it keeps him drier when it's warm out. For an example check out the main page photos!

5. $10 stopwatch--  At first we were convinced we needed a nice watch (GPS and all the whistles) but in honesty, he keeps the time with a watch we picked up just out one day for less than 10 bucks.  If it gets sweaty/ wet/ dropped/ whatever, then we will go get another one.  It is great for a beginner, and maybe one day he'll get a fancy new one as a gift or something-- but for now, just any sport watch (that fits on the wrist well) with a stopwatch is great, so you can keep time for yourself.

Bonus Item!

Sansa Clip Zip MP3 Player--  We both had this one on our lists, so I figured it would be best to include it down here rather than fight over who got to claim it. Everyone who runs with music has a preference, and lots of people run with their smart phone loaded with music...but have you thought about that??  You are running, sweating, dumping water on top of yourself, and potentially getting caught in the rain with an expensive mp3 player!!  
*Image courtesy of Sandisk*

     We found these for 35 bucks a piece, they have a great sound, 5 gigs of memory, fantastic little screen, and the clip is heavy duty and won't fall off if you try!  It charges and lasts a long while ( we charge them about once every couple of weeks, and use them at least 4 days a week and in the car sometimes) and they haven't been effected by water or sweat (or being dropped... when I took it off I dropped it onto the concrete, no damage!) yet!  Plus, they come in tons of colors and will play almost any music file type.  This one is the real contender for this list!

Do you have a "Top 5" list?  Tell us about it!  

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