Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Have you made any of these missteps?

      A few of my close friends and family wanted to try out running after I mentioned that we were starting out. Ok, maybe after I talked their ear off and begged them to run the 5k with me...same thing right?  At any rate, after we'd all be running a few months (and one friend who had been running longer, and had to explain to us constantly), we all started noticing (and getting paranoid about) the same things-- the "newbie mishaps" that everyone has to overcome.

     I think listing the common starting line missteps and being aware that everyone (yes, the elite runners who win everything and run for a career too) does these things at some point!  Everyone was a "new" runner at one point in their lives, and everyone (even seasoned professionals) has to work to overcome the mishaps.

      I've always loved this little list-- it's a good start to the mistakes anyone can easily make.  This is another one I've printed and have around me to remind me (especially the first commandment!)  In principle the whole list is easy-- take CARE of yourself, listen to your body, and remember to enjoy it and be proud of yourself! 

     I am guilty of this one-- worrying too much about "looking the part".  No, I haven't posted any of my race photos yet, mostly because I look like I am physically melting ( good posture flies out the window at the end of a race-- another bad habit!) and I don't feel confident about it...yet.  However,  I know that I need to be proud of my silly, slightly melty race photos, because I'm RACING! 

      Don't worry about having "the" running shoes, techno gadgets, or shorts that everyone else has (go for the ones that work FOR YOU) just worry about being comfortable on your runs, and as injury free as possible.  Random passers by are not going to say "OMG, he/ she doesn't have a fancy GPS, and the latest shoes, who does she think she is?!"  In fact, they may just be admiring your drive to get yourself moving-- we've had several neighbors commend us and actually cheer us on as we go by their houses! So remember, you are your biggest fan, from today forward, and you are doing GREAT!

      The great "but I'm going so slow" feeling.  We go someplace to get a nice, relaxing run in, and then we pass them-- the runners who've been doing this a while, and seem to barely be breaking a sweat, while you are struggling to get through your goal for the day.  "Why are they able to move so fast, with so little effort?  I'll try to be faster then!"  I know I'm guilty of this.  I hear someone ran their 4 miles at an 8 minute mile, so I go and try it.  Well, at mile 2, someone please swing by and pick me up, ok? It takes time to build up the strength and endurance to keep a speed like that for an extended period.  A mile is a mile, no matter how fast or slow.  The speed will get there eventually!

      What mistakes from this post (yes, all the commandments count too!) have you found yourself making?  Have you corrected it?  Have I missed any?

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