Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Nutrition 101 part Deux: Pre/Post Run Food

  Yep, it's time for the second part in the nutrition 101 posts-- this time we'll cover the basics of pre and post run food.   A big part of this too is what works best for you, but there are a few guidelines and ideas to help you get started in the right direction.  Let's start with pre- run food first (since that makes the most sense I suppose!)

Pre- Run

      I am not an advocate of running on an empty stomach-- I feel like crap the whole time, and experts say (so says the great and powerful Runner's World) that fueling up properly before a run is actually much more effective in terms of your workout than going out on empty.

     However, you can't just cram something down and head straight out, or you will likely experience some really nasty effects: side stitches, or gastrointestinal distress (which we'll cover in more depth in another post..whoo hoo?) can be a real pain (literally).  So, as a general rule, try to eat a small amount (that's a good snack to a light meal-- 200-300 calories or so) 2 hours before you go.  For those of you who run super early, I have actually heard of folks setting an alarm to get up, eat, and sleep for another 2 hours.  If you are that dedicated, again, more power to you!

You do not want to find out the hard way!

      Now, there are a few "safe" foods that are a good start if you are just trying out fueling before a run (or you've had trouble with those digestive issues mentioned before).  This is the ONE time I will say to STEP AWAY FROM THE WHOLE GRAINS!  You want to avoid whole grain food/ high fiber foods before hitting the pavement, or it could spell trouble for your tummy.  Avoid really fatty foods too (obviously) because that too will cause some unpleasant results.  Easily broken down foods are best and safest, like:

1. Refined Carbs-- that's regular pasta, white breads/ bagels, basic cereals** and white rice.  These are all broken down much easier (read: faster) than whole grains.

2. Low fiber fruits-- Tomatoes, grapes, bananas, and grapefruit are all pretty safe bets before a run.

**Dairy-- this one is iffy for some people, but soy or almond milk is supposedly the safest for most folks.

     My personal favorites? Especially pre- race day, I love a bagel with peanut butter (for some protien, and flavor!) and half a banana (the Hare and I split one usually) and coffee.  Why coffee?  Warm liquids (hot tea applies here too) tend to, uh, get things moving, so having a cuppa a couple of hours before going out gives you time to clear your system, especially in the mornings.

that's the ticket!  Though I suggest adding as little to your coffee as possible-- black coffee is safest!

Post Run

    Now, we've gotten back from our run, and had no problems since we didn't eat a gut bomb on the way out the door.  Fantastic!  Now, what about post run snacks?  Those are important too-- in fact, there is a 30 minute "window" after exercise that your body is really receptive to restoring the energy you used.  Getting a snack (the right kind!) into your system during that window can actually help with soreness and recovery time.  Well, here are a few of the tried and true post run recovery snacks:

1. Dried fruits and nuts-- carbs from the fruits, and protein from the nuts, plus it's fast and portable.

2.  Chocolate milk--  Again, protein and carbs in one punch, and an ice cold drink is the best feeling after a hard run!

3. Smoothie-- add protein powder for an extra boost-- alternative to chocolate milk.

4.  Apples and PB-- seeing a pattern yet?  Carbs from the apples, protein from the peanut butter.

5.  Whole wheat crackers and cheese-- not cheese from a can-- good cheddar or swiss.

      Essentially, you are providing protein to help your muscles recover from the micro tears and hard work they've just done, and the carbs are to re-stock your body's glycogen stores (the energy your body pulls from during a workout).  My favorite option is chocolate milk-- we keep it around all the time, and drink it as soon as we get back in the door!  (an 8 oz glass is plenty, you aren't eating a full meal here remember!)

      These are pretty basic guides, and a lot of the foods will depend on how your system handles them (trial and error, like a lot of running tends to be!).  Just try them out a little at a time, and what works for you, stick to it!  Don't try something entirely different on race day because it works for your running buddy!

***Off topic Update***
     I promised I would update after our inaugural run with new shoes was a smashing success!  So far the Boosts have done well-- I was actually in front of the Hare for most of the time we ran!  We'll see how the test of time holds up, but for now I give them 2 big thumbs up!

What pre and post run foods work for you? Any I should add?  Have you ever had one NOT work?  Let us know!

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