Thursday, July 25, 2013

Digestive "Fun" and Running

     Yep, today is the day that we go over the most terrifying (ok, to me!) aspect of distance running-- the dreaded digestive insanity!  You hear it from all the experienced runners (and the embarrassing "worst that's ever happened to me" stories)-- they are going along great at a race, then all of a sudden, they have to go.  Not in a little while, not after the race is over, but right now, whether there is a porta potty nearby or not!

     Fortunately, these same experienced folks have taken the time to figure out ways that usually prevent this awful side effect of running (we'll get to why I call it a side effect in a second).  So, with a few considerations (and a fair bit of luck) this may not be an issue for you!  Some folks are more prone to digestive issues than others-- and some supplements and gels/ bars will bring digestive trouble on, so always test things out, and never anything new on race day!

Why is digestive trouble a "side effect"?  Well, when you run, your body's muscles start calling out for more support (ie, bloodflow), and the digestive system slows down productivity.  When you have food to digest still, it can get sloshed around in your system, and the body isn't fond of this.  This causes some of the issues, and the lessened bloodflow along with improper hydration can cause colitis symptoms (inflammation of the intestines) and pain.

     So, what exactly can happen?  Well, a number of common issues crop up for runners, for a variety of reasons.  Here are the biggest/ most problematic:

*Cramps-- stomach cramps are typically due to a lot of factors, but usually eating too close to a run will cause them, and being dehydrated/ using concentrated sports drinks rather than water.  A safe bet is to never eat a large meal right before a run, and try not to eat anything at very least an hour or so before going out.  Also, as always, keep yourself hydrated (yes, every day, not just running!).

*Nausea-- feeling sick during a run is a major cause for concern, usually due to dehydration or extreme heat.  If you feel the need to throw up, slow down and rest (sit down if you need to) or discontinue the run if you show other signs of heat exhaustion.

*Diarrhea- This one is probably the most scary for people-- and it is pretty easily preventable.  Avoid foods with a lot of fiber/ roughage before a race-- salads, corn, cereals, and any other high fiber foods.  You want to keep things simple for your digestion before a run, because muscles will be taking the bulk of the blood supply, and your digestive system won't be able to function well.

     The most important things to do in order to prevent all of these issues is of course to be aware of what you eat before races and runs.  We've covered safe choices for pre/ post run foods-- but some of the process is just trial and error on your part.  Try different meals, gels/bars, and sports drinks (whatever you want to use to fuel during a race) while you train, and keep track of what works well and what doesn't treat you well.  Another great idea is to always go to the bathroom before a run-- if you run in the morning, coffee or tea (black, not cream or anything) can help things get moving, so to speak, and reduce risk of that happening 6 miles from home!

      For a trial and error example, I am not that tolerant of Gu-- some days it's fine, but there have been occasions that my stomach was not a fan of it.  Honey Stingers, on the other hand, I am great with.  I had to try each and see what worked best.  My husband does great with Gu though-- so you really never know what each person will be ok with until you try it.

***Personal Update***

     We got our medium run in yesterday-- it was really one of those runs that made me realize how much we are improving! Every time I would think about walking for a minute, before I said anything to the Hare I would catch my breath and feel fine!  We did stop a couple of times for just a minute, but we exceeded our distance, and felt pretty good!  It was cooler out (thanks rain!) but still 80 degrees at 7pm with 75% humidity, so we were both dripping with sweat, but happy about a good workout.

     I have discovered that chewing gum does wonders for me-- my mouth gets so dry it holds me back a little, but having just a little something in my mouth has been amazing!  Thank you Iantha for telling me that!  

     We've got a short run tomorrow night, and our long run this weekend is 5 miles (6 if we want to be really ambitious).  I am actually excited about it-- we are really getting there!  Our muscles are getting stronger and more noticeable (the Hare said yesterday that I had some calf muscles now-- yay! I've always been jealous of my mom's!) and the soreness isn't as awful (I think that's just getting used to it).

Have you ever dealt with digestive issues on a run or race?  Are there any foods or fuels you avoid?  Do you chew gum when you run?  Share with me below!

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