Tuesday, August 20, 2013

The dangers of the couch-- even for runners

    Everyone knows that having a sedentary lifestyle is horribly unhealthy-- but most folk who do something like running or other exercise have long felt immune to those ill health effects.  As I was reading my latest copy of my favorite running magazine (ya'll know I have love for Runner's World) and I saw an infographic about it as well (please check that link out-- I love the format, because I love pretty data-- it makes me happy!).  I wanted to discuss this, because it is important to all of us!

   So what effects does sitting down so much have on us really?  Well, the basics are immune system weakness, back problems (weak back muscles, and strained from sitting in odd positions), a significant increase in heart disease risk and diabetes, and in women in particular it seems to cause more depression (less circulation of the hormones we need and transmitters that keep us feeling good).  Cholesterol issues abound in those of us who sit more than 4 hours a day too.

Don't let the couch monster pull you in!

    As the infographic said-- it's inevitable for most of us to sit down for our jobs (and the commute wherever we work, home, and any errands-- adding up isn't it?) but there are things you can do to move a little more during the day.  Set a timer for every hour, and get up and stretch for just a few minutes, or even walk around and hand deliver some of the things you could just email or not move for.  Try to at very least walk on your lunch break, either in the office or around someplace.

    The most obvious is to spend less time on the couch!  I know, it's hard not to listen to its  siren like calls when you come home after a long day, or even a hard run, and nothing sounds better than turning on your favorite movie and remaining still for the next 2 hours.  Try to resist-- or pause the movie for breaks (a drink or bathroom break, anything to get blood flowing again) when you can.

Try not to let this become you! (even though I think pugs are cute)

    There are of course extreme (and expensive) measures some people take, like desks designed for use while standing, or even while walking on a treadmill!  I don't think that's necessary really, if you just commit to keeping yourself moving, all the hard effort you expend running and being active and healthy will pay off more!

    I know that I am horrible about sitting more than I should-- and reading the research and studies more in depth has really made me aware of it.  I intend to take my own advice here, and stand or move each day less than I sit-- because this strong body that I am working so hard to take such good care of deserves my attention, and it deserves me taking whatever steps I need to ensure that it stays so healthy!

How much do you sit every day?  Do you have ideas to decrease how much you sit?  Can you commit to sitting less with me?  

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